Review of Intent Diversity in Information Retrieval : Approaches, Models and Trends


  • M Mustakim Departement of Informatics UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Retantyo Wardoyo
  • Khabib Mustofa



The fast increasing volume of information databases made some difficulties for a user to find the information that they need. Its important for researchers to find the best method for challenging this problem. user intention detection can be used to increase the relevancies of information delivered from the information retrieval system. This research used a systematic mapping process to identify what area, approaches, and models that mostly used to detect user intention in information retrieval in four years later. the result of this research identified that item-based approach is still the most approach researched by researchers to identify intent diversity in information retrieval. The used of item-based approach still increasing from 2015 until 2017. 34% paper used topic models in their research. It means that Topic models still the necessary models explored by the researchers in this study.


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How to Cite

Mustakim, M., Wardoyo, R., & Mustofa, K. (2018). Review of Intent Diversity in Information Retrieval : Approaches, Models and Trends. Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 3(2), 132–145.


